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  • Using Predictive Coding to Reduce Litigation Costs for Cases Involving Japanese and Asian Documents

Using Predictive Coding to Reduce Litigation Costs for Cases Involving Japanese and Asian Documents

  • Thursday, November 08, 2012
  • 12:15 PM - 1:45 PM
  • The Johnathan Club (Los Angeles, CA)


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This program qualifies for one (1) hour of CLE credit in California.

Thursday, November 8, 2012
12:15 – 1:45 p.m. Hosted Lunch & Program

The Johnathan Club
545 S. Figueroa Street, 
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Phone 213-624-0881

As the number of business documents explode, review costs increase for Japanese and Asian companies facing U.S. litigation and regulatory requests. A recent Rand Corp. study estimates the cost of human teams to review e-discovery files makes up more than 75% of total discovery costs. Many law firms and companies are exploring alternatives to manual review, both to save money and to meet tight deadlines.

Using advanced algorithms and statistical techniques, predictive coding provides an answer by reducing document sets and targeting review. Join us for a hosted luncheon as our experts discuss advanced predictive coding and how it will reduce e-discovery costs and how it works with Japanese and other Asian-language documents. 

Topics to be covered include:
  • Why do we need predictive coding?
  • An introduction to predictive coding - how it works and what it does.
  • The law of predictive coding-what are the courts and academics saying?
  • How to make predictive coding work for Japanese and other Asian-language documents.
  • Tips, tricks and best practices to make predictive coding effective.


Founder and CEO, Catalyst Repository Systems

Tredennick is a nationally known trial lawyer and longtime litigation partner at Holland & Hart. In 2000, he founded Catalyst Repository Systems to help corporations and counsel manage e-discovery and works together on complex legal matters. A legal technology pioneer, he has written or edited five books and scores of articles about using computers in the law. Tredennick is a past chair of the ABA’s Law Practice Management Section and past editor-in-chief of the ABA’s Law Practice Management Magazine.
Firm-wide Practice Support Electronic Discovery Consultant
Paul Hastings LLP

Cladouhos is a recognized electronic discovery expert and specializes in directing and managing international data privacy and risk management projects. He has counseled a broad range of clients in Asia and Europe, including multinational corporations in the finance, internet, electronics, defense, technology, airline and shipping industries, and has significant experience in developing defensible electronic discovery protocols in accordance with the data privacy laws of various jurisdictions.

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