“Bokyo no Kane – Nostalgic for Homeland”
April 21, 2020
6:00pm Optional Bento Box Dinner ($10 and must be pre-ordered)
7:00pm Film Screening
FREE Admission, registration required. You can register, or pre-order a $10 Bento Box Dinner, by emailing Ms. Naoko Okada at nokada@terasaki.org, or calling (310) 479-6101.
The Terasaki Nibei Foundation
11570 W. Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 900064
Japan’s aggressive resettlement policy during WWII victimized many innocent poor Japanese farmers, as well as Chinese in Mainland China.
Japan established the state of Manchukuo in North East China and into Mongolia. From 1932 through 1945, Japanese farming families totaling more than 270,000 people were relocated to the border area, close to Russia. More than half lost their lives, most of them woman and children.
Japanese men older than 15 were taken by Soviets as POWs and forced to work in Siberia. This happened after Japan surrendered to the allies. This is a little known, tragic event of WWII.
Hisako Yamada, an 87-year-old female movie director, believes this story must be told. She made this movie to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of WWII.
Screening is in Japanese with English subtitles.
Japan America Society of Southern California is pleased to support this special screeing.