Michele Lando
President & Co-Founder
Skilset Communications, Inc.
Wednesday, October 4, 2017 11:30am – 1:30pm
Community Partners, Conference Room C
Located in The California Endowment
1000 Alameda St, Los Angeles, CA 90012 Map & Directions
$35 CHOICE Workshop
$85 Bundle Admission - Includes admission to CHOICE Workshop and 4th Annual WLC Conference on November 2, 2017 ($110 value)
Reservations are required. Seating is limited and available on a first-come, first served basis.
CHOICE™ is the framework taking you toward the results you are after – a strong leadership team, a solid bench team, culture creation/consistency, sales growth, personal fulfillment, etc.
Consistently - What are the areas that currently lack discipline focus; require attention?
Honing - What are the opportunities for refinement, enhancement; re-examination?
Our - Where can you take ‘ownership’ around things you may have previously determined were beyond your control?
Intentions - Have you set a clear vision; is it big enough? Does it have the iterative steps laid out to achieve it?
Concerning - Do you have awareness around contributing to others? Creating connection, loyalty? Reaching fulfillment?
Excellence - How do you define personal best, at this time? What are the metrics? How are you tracking them?
We work with you and your company, to identify the six aspects of making ‘good’ choices. Good choices being those that align who you are with what you do; that allow you to live an authentic life. And, that cultivates a culture of individuals that are unified and truly engaged around reaching your organizations specific goals and objectives.
About the speaker
Michele Lando In 1994, Michele Lando co-founded Skilset Communications with the purpose of guiding companies such as Akamai Technologies, American Express, Bank of America, Bosley Medical, Cisco Systems, Cedars-Sinai Hospital, Metropolitan Water District, Prudential, US Trust, Visa, and Wells Fargo, to name a few, reach their full potential. She focuses on aligning Purpose, Passion and Profit, to create outrageously engaged teams who achieve beyond their wildest imaginations.
She is also a standing board advisor to the National Museum of Women’s History, as well as an active board member of Amplify Roundtable. She grew up in LA, was educated at UCLA (ironically lectures at USC) and continues to reside in Los Angeles today with her husband and best friend of 30 years!
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