Saturday, March 21, 2015
Art Exhibit: 1:00pm - 5:00pm
Forum: 2:00pm - 4:15pm
Japanese American National Museum
Tateuchi Democracy Forum
100 North Central Avenue, Los Angeles California 90012
2015 will mark the 70th Anniversary of the Atomic Bomb.
In recognition of of this historic anniversary, the Orange Coast Optimist Club (OCO) will present, "Shadows for Peace, for the Sake of the Children, the Hiroshima Nagasaki Experience" Forum and Art Exhibit.
The event is hosted by the Japanese American National Museum (JANM) at the Tateuchi Democracy Forum.
Forum speakers include world renowned experts on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (details in the flyer below), and video interviews of three Hibakusha, explosion-affected people, discussing their experiences as survivors of the atomic bomb. "No more Hiroshima and no more Nagasaki, never again," Hideo Sakata, Nagasaki Hibakusha.
Additionally, artworks of "Shadows for Peace" will be on exhibit.
Exhibit and Forum is supported by Japan America Society of Southern California, OCO, JANM, Nanka Hiroshima Kenjinkai, Love to Nippon, USC Institute of Genetic Medicine Art Gallery, Nanka Yamaguchi Kenjinkai, Lantern from the East - Los Angeles (LELA), Los Angeles Nagoya Sister City Afilliation (LANSCA).
For more information, contact Richard Fukuhara at 714-998-8790 or email richard@fukukarafoto.com
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